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Easter Music Courses 2025

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Easter Holiday KS1 Music Course
Sunday 6th April - 09:45 - 11:45

We are delighted to announce our Easter Music Courses for 2025.

Please note places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Closing dates for applications:

In Person Courses - Monday 17th March 2025.

Online Music Technology Courses - Friday 21st March 2025

Please find below information on all courses and who they are suited to.




Our KS1 course is designed to introduce KS1 children to music through some exciting and engaging musical activities. The activities will include musical games, fun songs and the chance to perform together using a range of percussion instruments.  We hope that your children will learn lots of new musical skills, which build and develop the foundations for learning instruments. 


Entry requirements: No previous experience is necessary. For children in school years 1 and 2. â€‹â€‹


Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Numbers will be limited so please apply early to avoid disappointment. 


Cost: £10.00





This one-day course gives opportunities to take part in a range of fun musical activities, such as bucket drumming, playing boom whackers, singing, body percussion and being part of a band. 


Entry requirements:  For those with no musical experience through to those who are learning an instrument and are at beginner to grade 1 standard. For pupils in school years 3 to 9 (age 7-14). 


Bring your own instrument if you are learning one. ​


Cost: £15.00





Our two-day Easter Instrumental Course will include opportunities for playing in small instrumental groups and a large ensemble.  Fun musicianship activities will also be included.


Participants must attend both days.


Sharing Workshop: Sunday 6th - 14:45 - 15:00.  Family and friends are invited to come and enjoy this sharing workshop which will take place at the end of the two days.  This sharing workshop is free to attend and non-ticketed.


Entry requirements: For those that are grade 2 through to grade 8 standard. This is a suggested standard for the course, you do not need to have taken the exam. For pupils in school years 4 to 13 (age 8-18).


Bring your own instrument. All instruments welcome.


Cost: £25.00





Beginners Course 9:30am – 10:30am

This session will offer you the chance to work with an online Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). You will learn how to create music electronically using loops and how to find and import loops to match sounds and styles.​


Entry requirements: No previous experience necessary. For pupils in school years 5 to 13 inclusive (age 9-18). You will need a laptop or desktop computer for this course. 


Intermediate Course 10:45am – 11:45am: For those with experience of using BandLab as a DAW. 


Participants of this course will use BandLab to create a piece of music in a set style/genre.  Participants will use a combination of loops and MIDI instruments to create the track and then use FX's to help customise the sounds to make a complete track.


Entry Requirements: For pupils in school years 5 to 13 inclusive (age 9-18) who have had some experience using BandLab. You will need a laptop or desktop computer for this course. 


Cost: £5.00 per session.









Online Easter Holiday Music Technology Courses  Tuesday 8th April
Easter Holiday Beginner Music Course
Monday 7th April - 09:45 - 15:00
Easter Holiday Instrumental Course
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April - 09:45 - 15:00
Returning Your Form and How to Pay


Paying by Cheque

Please send completed form and a cheque made payable to:


Medway Music Association,

C/O Sarah Coole,

95 Weston Road,



ME2 3HB.



Paying by Bank Transfer

Please email completed form to and ask for BACS details.


Members of MMA’s Music Centre

Members can hand their forms in at the Music Centre and can pay by cash, card or cheque at the Music Centre.


It is hoped that all applicants will be accepted for the Music Courses, but places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  Places are secured on receipt of payment and payments are non-refundable. *please note, payment will not be taken from unsuccessful applicants.


Medway Music Association is passionate about making music available to all young people in Medway and beyond and that no one is excluded on financial grounds. If the cost of the Music Course is prohibitive, please write a letter explaining your situation to the Director, Derek Blease, and send it with your application form in order to be considered for bursary support for the Music Course. All will be considered on a case-by-case basis.



If you have any questions, please email us at


Closing dates for applications: 

In Person Courses - Monday 17th March 2025

Online Music Technology Courses - Friday 21st March 2025

ONLINE Music Technology Course
Easter Holiday Instrumental Course
Easter Holiday Beginner Music Course
Returning your form and how to pay

Paying by Cheque

Please send your completed form and a cheque made payable to:


Medway Music Association, C/O Sarah Coole,

95 Weston Road,



ME2 3HB.



Paying by Bank Transfer Please email your completed form to and ask for BACS details.


Members of MMA’s Music Centre

Members can hand their forms in at the Music Centre and can pay by card, cash or cheque at the Music Centre.

Application Forms






Closing dates for applications:


In Person Courses

Monday 17th March 2025


Online Music Tech Courses

Friday 21st March 2025

Venue: Rainham Mark Grammar School, ME8 7AJ

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